23 Hidden Clues that show Il-Nam’s Role in the Twist of Squid Game

Read this if you have watched Squid Game, or look elsewhere.
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Squid Game is a popular and highly rated Netflix survival drama, based on a contest theme wherein 456 players play a set of kid games to win ₩45.6 billion prize. The organizes takes the word ‘elimination’ pretty seriously. The game is a metaphor on how the rich play with the lives of commoners, and how people display crab mentality run over each other, while the rich lorde over.

Let us look at the 23 clues you missed while watching the show.


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  • While we and the contestants were wondering what the next game would be, the games were visible on the wall murals.
  • The old man Il Nam is the creator of the game. In this scene, Il naam was actually checking on the candidates. In the Marbles round,  Il naam tells Gee Hun that, he would watch children play the game from behind a pole; this  reflects how he is watching this game without the players knowing. However, he also says that he really wanted to play with them, which is why he chose to become a contestant in 4 out of these 6 games.
  • The reason why Il nam was not a part of the Glass Bridge round was because he had dementia, and would have a hard time guessing the next glass. And there was a chance that impatient people behind him might have pushed him to his death, 
  • Another giveaway, the average age of the other 455 players is between 20 to 45, while Il Nam looks like a misfit, decades older than the rest of them.
  • Ill nam is smiling throughout many games, like it is cakewalk for him. It was of course, indeed a cake-walk.
  • In the Green Light, Red Light game, everyone has a sharp green highlighter around them. Except Il Nam and the person near him so that Il nam is not shot, even accidentally.
  •  Il-nam’s number is 001 which means he is the first person to be chosen for the game. Also in Korean “Il” means ‘one’ or  ‘first’ and “Nam” means  boy or man. So, he is the ‘first man’ or the creator of the game.
  • The police officer Jun Ho while looking through the files surreptitiously, finds out that the numbers  start from 002 which means Il Nam doesn’t need to keep his own record.
  • After the green light red light round, Il nam ends  the game, so that he could get rid of his guilt for the deaths of so many people. With this, he gives a chance to everyone to come out and play the game according to their wish and conscience. And since he loves participating, he cannot help but meet his favorite Ghi Hun to convince him to play again.
  • While all contestants are gassed, Ill nam is not, because after all, he devised the game.
  • Il Nam picks the star shape in the honeycomb challenge because he is comfortable with the shape.
  •  During the marbles round, it is evident that Il Nam had created these games, because the creators would have no idea how his house looked like, because he keeps telling to GI -hun  that it looks like his childhood home.   The creators made the set based on his vision only.
  • When Il naam is shot in the marbles task you don’t hear the sound of his body falling. Also in the next wide shot, we can see bodies strewn around in every enclosure, but Il-nam’s area is vacant.
  •  The night time violent fight at the dormitory  ends when Il-Nam climbs up the bunk bed and pleads or rather, signals the Front Man to stop.
  •  It looks like these are all Il nam’s favorite games, knowing how he keeps prompting on strategies, especially in the tug of war game.  Also, everybody in Il-nam’s tug-of-war team had locks on their handcuffs while Il-Nam didn’t.
  •  Il nam wears the mask of the owl. The owl is a creature which signifies wisdom and watchful eyes.  Also if you notice closely, Il Nam’s hands and the one with the mask were the same.
  • Not sure if Il naam actually had his pants wet, because there was an empty bottle of water nearby.
  • Il Nam knows the potential of Ghi- Hun. In the Marble Games round, he doesn’t go looking for partner  because after all, it is his show. He also feigns illness knowing that the kind Ghee- hUN would partner with him, Il-Nam giving his 001 jacket, shows that in his experienced eyes, Ghee Hun is fit to succeed him as the new number one.


Hidden Clues about  Il Nam in Squid Game Ending (Video)

Check out the Not Just Rich channel for more videos.

Now read about Oh Yeong-su, the fantastic actor who played Il-Nam.

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