Billionaires who own Islands

Here is the list of few of the billionaires who own islands –
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  • Sir Richard Branson

richard branson necker island

richard branson necker island photo

Known to head the Virgin Group, Sir Richard Branson owns a stunning island called the ‘Necker Island’ located among the British Virgin Islands. With coral reefs, shining turquoise water and staff of sixty people, this island has twenty-four guests. It was bought for 200,000 Dollars in the 1970s. One can enjoy a stay for 53,000 Dollars per night!

  • Hollywood Actor Leonardo Di Caprio  

leonardo dicaprio island belize Blackadore Island

This celebrity is widely known for his stint in the famous movie “Titanic”. The Academy award winner owns a 104 acre Blackadore Island in Belize for 1.75 million Dollars. He plans to make it an eco-friendly island with solar power and also plans to build an eco-friendly resort.

  • Writer David Copperfield

musha cay island david copperfield

David Copperfield, a world-famous illusionist owns the Musha Cay Islands which is spread over 150 acres and covered with white sands. The beauty of the sun and sands can be enjoyed by the commoners too, with $37,000 per night.

  • Entrepreneur Craig McCaw

craig mccaw james island

American Entrepreneur Craig McCaw is a pioneer in cellular phone industry and the founder of Clear wire Corporation. He owns the James Island. It is situated in the South Caroline. He bought the islands in 1994 for Nineteen million dollars that’s a complete treat to the eyes. The island is perfect for organic farming and electric cars and golf carts make it more advanced. A park ensures recreation to the owners as well as the visitors.

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  • Hollywood Actor Johnny Depp

johnny depp island exumas

Johnny Depp the winner of the Golden Globe and several other awards wanted his own island to get stranded on. While filming Pirates of the Caribbean he fell in love with the bohemian lifestyle and wanted his island to be a peaceful getaway from the busy lifestyle of cities. His search was over in the beautiful Exumas. This 45 acre tropical paradise was bought in the year 2004.The price he paid to own this island was $3.6 million. Every beach here is named after a family member.

  • Hollywood Actor Eddie Murphy

eddie murphy rooster cay island

It would be a crime if we did not mention the island named Rooster cay owned by Eddie Murphy. He bought this island with a big amount of $15 million due to the proximity. It is located in the prime location of Nassau in Bahamas. He owns a few islands like the Bahamian Cay. He is soon going to change the island owning trend into business. The island is a paradise on earth and every island is beautiful in its own way.

  • Russian Billionaire Roman Abrahamovich

Roman Abrahamovich island st bart

He is known for his investments in various firms and has an investment firm Millhouse LLC. He owns Abrahamovich Island in St Bart’s worth 90 million dollars. The 70 acre island consists of swimming pools, ocean views and tennis courts.

  • Microsoft Founder and Owner Bill Gates

bill gates island The Grand Bugue Island

Bill Gates, an investor, computer programmer, philanthropist and business magnate owns The Grand Bugue Island which is the largest in Belize for growth and investment returns. It is provided with amenities like water sports and fishing area for salt water fishes.

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