Not Just Rich!

Pete Cashmore and the Mashable Story

If you know Mashable, you would love to know about the founder and CEO Pete Cashmore and his success story. He was born on September 18, 1985 in Scotland. The blog Mashable was created in the year 2005, in Banchory, Abardeenshire. This blog covers all the leading stories on the Internet, along with news, information and resources that are in the forefront of all social media channels. It also curates the best viral content and circulates on the web on its side as well as on its popular Facebook Page. It has been the endeavor of Mashable for the past few years to be the spearhead of content which gives out information on digital innovation, allowing readers to be empowered on the latest in the world of technological advancements.
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Pete Cashmore and the Mashable Story

.The invention of Mashable was inspired by a complicated situation. When Cashmore was a thirteen year old child, he had to go for an appendectomy. Due to some medical complications he did not recover completely. Therefore he could not attend his school at Banchory Academy regularly, and subsequently he lost his links with his friends and lived an almost a recluse life.

This was the period; Cashmore started using the computer to update himself on all the recent news and subscribed to several blogs that would give him more information on various avenues of learning about the digital media. While he was linking himself with other blogs, the idea of creating his own blog dawned upon him.

Cashmore saw opportunity in the rise of websites like Facebook, Twitter and Youtube in the mid-2010. He had the foresight that there is a huge set of audience waiting to know how to really use these websites to their best ability. So he set out to form a team who researched and produced content on how to get ahead in the digital and social media. Mashable was created when Cashmore was just 19.

Initially, he did not tell anything about his plans to his parents. They ultimately came to know about when it was published on Daily Mail. Now, every month, Mashable records almost 30 million hits worldwide. Now, Mashable has made a record of 42 million visitors worldwide and a count of 45 million social media followers

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Cashmore cannot think beyond the Internet. The reason, he says that he loves the web because it gives him the opportunity to participate and engage, rather than be subjected to content that he has no influence over, like in the case of TV or movies. He believes in having a concrete plan and rather than being waylaid by circumstances He also believes in finding out an innate talent in a person and helping her or him realize it. He says, “You will get the best work from people if they would guide themselves rather than you pushing them.”

Pete Cashmore is also one of the best looking guys in the geek world. He has been given many sobriquets including ‘Planet’s Hottest Geek’. He has 48K followers on Twitter.

Pete Cashmore – Girlfriend

Cashmore is in a relationship with the gorgeous and multi talented former figure skater and model turned photographer Lisa Bettany. The Camera + app, which is considered one of the top ten apps in the world is invented by Lisa Bettany. Interestingly the romance between Cashmore and Bettany started when they met each other on a blogging conference which was held in Las Vegas. Later, a relationship developed through online networking site, Facebook.

Pete Cashmore – House

Cashmore continues to live in his home in Scotland, the very house where he had invented his blog.

Pete Cashmore – Net Worth

According to the New York Times report, the Mashable founder and CEO, is estimated to have a net worth of $ 95 million. At present he continues to write weekly column on social media and technology, on

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